Tuesday, 27 December 2011

Merry Christmas and a happy new year!

lol - yes I am on holiday and I am having a great time but I still have to wish you all and your pets (guinea-pigs, rabbits, cats, dogs etc.) a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Wishing you all Christmas joy and New year fun! 

We wish you a merry Christmas - we wish you a merry Christmas - we wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year - good tidings we bring - to you and your king - we wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year...

and even though the pigs are at home (well at the lady's house [whom is kindly looking after them!]) I am sure they wish you a merry Christmas as well! Sorry about the fact that this is a slightly late christmas greeting! Also check out this site for more Christmas songs! :)

Lots and lots of Christmas cheer

Cherri, Crumble, Astro, Mika and me!


"wheek wheek wheek!"

Saturday, 10 December 2011

Last weigh in for a month

Here is the last weigh in for a month(!) - the weigh in for Saturday the 10th of December 2011:

**Boys Pad**

Astro: 875grams (gained 25grams) - 24weeks (6m)
Mika: 600grams (gained 25grams) - 16weeks (4m)

**Girls Palace**

Crumble: 260grams (gained 10grams) - 8weeks (2m)
Cherri: 320grams (gained 45grams) - 8weeks (2m)

Total piggie weight: 2055grams! (topping the scales! :P) Total piggie gain: 105grams over four pigs! ;) Today is not only the last weigh in day before we go on holiday for a month but also the last day before we go away! Yep - we are leaving tomorrow morning! Already the girls and boys are at the place in which they will be staying... as soon as I return the pigs will be coming home - getting progress photo's (Crumble is more spunky already) getting weighed etc!

Monday, 5 December 2011

A trip to the shops! :)

Yup the title says it all - I went to the shops (haven't been for over a month!) and spoiled my pigs! :)

First I got a bright red piggy hide - away castle!

A view from the top of the castle! I was so happy I'd been looking for one of these for AGES!

As you can see the boys already LOVE it! ;)

Second we got a packet of "Tropical Fruit Shaped Munchies"

The shapes are pear - apple - lemon - celary and they are really good for your cudddley friend to nibble on! ;)

Third we got some "salt lick wheels" (salt lick stones)

Yay finally got one ;)

And last but NOT least we went to the vets (complications with our pet bird) and got supplied with bird nail clippers... the vet said he uses the clippers on birds - cats and small dogs so they should be fine... we tested them out on Mika and they worked a million dollars!

**Unfortunately no pictures were taken off the clippers but they looked the same as any... if you find a pair of clippers in the shops/vets and it doesn't say "clips nails for: - use on animals:" or anything close to that please get them checked by your vet that they are safe to use or in a shop situation (pet shop) go to the counter and ask!**

You can never finish this post with-out an adorable video! ;)

Saturday, 3 December 2011

Not one but two weigh in deals today! ;)

Oh dear - I am so sorry for not doing last week - ends weigh in! I weighed the pigs then got dragged down with cleaning duties etc! I completely forgot I hadn't put in last weeks weigh in until today! Last week the total weight of my four pigs was 1840grams and the total gain was 130grams! The weigh in for Saturday the 3rd December: (today)

**Boys Pad**

Astro: 850grams (stayed the same) - 21weeks (5m, 1w) - (Astro weighed 850grams last week with a gain of 45grams)
Mika: 575grams (gained 25grams) - 13weeks (3m, 1w) - (Mika weighed 550grams last week with a gain of 25grams)

**Girls Palace**

Cherri: 275grams (gained 45grams) - 7weeks (1m, 3w) - (Cherri weighed 230grams last week with a gain of 30grams)
Crumble: 250grams (gained 40grams) - 7weeks (1m, 3w) - (Crumble weighed 210grams last week with a gain of 30grams)

This week (3rd December 2011) the total gain over my four piggies is 110grams and the total weight over my four piggies is 1950grams! This week was really good - great gains from the girls! Next week we will be hitting 2 kilograms! Astro staying the same was a bit of a surprise to me at first then after a bit of thought I'm pretty sure that it was because he is getting so big and isn't even half a year old! If he starts to drop every week I'll start to get worried but he may just start getting slightly smaller gains - I really don't know whats going to happen! The girls moved into a HUGE cage (by huge I mean bigger than the boys) and they are getting plenty of running/playing space but are slightly skiddish! I have been spending as much time as I can with them - feeling that I should cherish having them so close while they are so little! I also need to inform you that I will not be doing my blog for four weeks while I will be on holiday. Sunday next week we will be leaving to our destination!

Friday, 25 November 2011

Chin - rubs

Astro being adorable. I was deciding that because he was such a big boy and because I had so much free time I'd do a really BIG health check up - si I did and Astro was so good I gave him some parsley! Such a cutie... I decided to try him with chin - rubs so I scratched his chin and he was so cute getting his chin - rubbed and enjoys it heaps!

And you can't finish off a post with-out some adorable video's! :)

Getting to know Cherri and Crumble

After having our two little girls for a week I start to see their attitudes... Cherri is sweet but VERY cheeky (causing a LOT of strife trying to find her because she somehow got out the cage then finding her snuggled up alsleep looking very cosy in a cuddle sack! *sigh*) while Crumble is more curious! Any way it is super duper cute!

I have also been noticing some bickering between the boys - Mika and Astro have claimed spaces of there hutch (cage) and there has been Astro purring and pushing up against Mika for some love and to show dominance but Mika nips him on the head! It could be heat stress, Mika trying his luck for dominant male or could be due to us adopting Cherri and Crumble. I give the boys regular health checks and will continue until seeing signs of vicious fighting and blood then I will seperate the boys a.s.a.p!

Saturday, 19 November 2011

Bath time + weigh in

Here is the weigh in for Saturday the 19 of November:

**Boys Pad**

Astro: 805grams (gained 30grams) - 19weeks (4m, 3w)

Mika: 525grams (gained 65grams) - 11weeks (2m, 3w)

**Girls Palace**

Cherri: 200grams (gained 25grams) - 5weeks (1m, 1w)
Crumble: 180grams (gained 25grams) - 5weeks (1m, 1w)

Total piggie weight of 1710 (!), total gains of 145! Great gains from all piggies this week, special mention out to Mika,  65 grams in one week is REALLY good! :) Astro and Mika had a bath today as well! Both complaining but enjoyed the attention! :P

[The set up/ how it looked before Mika had a bath!]

[Li'l Friends Cute 'n' Clean Shampoo, what I use to wash my pigs!]

[Mika's "before" picture, what a gorgeous fluffy man!]

[Mika in the bath! :)]

Mika looking for Astro!]

 [Mika climbing on my hand!]

[And while all this happened with Mika, Astro was exploring the area!]

[The amount of Shampoo I use, even that was a bit much!]

[Mika with Shampoo on! :P]

[Mika's "after" picture!]

[Astro's turn! Astro's "before" picture. Sorry I didn't take any pictures of Astro's bath... it was getting cold so I did him QUICK!]

[Mika wrapped up in a towel! So cute!]

[Astro's "after" picture!]

Saturday, 12 November 2011

Weigh in with new arrivals!

Here is the weigh in for Saturday the 12 of November:

**Boys Pad**

Astro: 775grams (stayed the same) - 18weeks (4m, 2w)
Mika: 460grams (gained 35grams) - 10weeks (2m, 2w)

**Girls Palace**

Cherri: 175grams (first weigh in yet) - 4weeks (1m)
Crumble: 155grams (first weigh in yet) - 4weeks (1m)

Total piggy weight of 1565grams over four piggies, total gain of 35grams! (including the fist weigh in yets and Astro staying the same) What an exciting week, Cherri and Crumble were welcomed into our home and depending on Astro and Mika's behavour (if they start fighting because they might smell girls) Mika might be moving out! So far so good! I'm not that worried about our girls being a bit under weight because I am guessing they were both born as runts at maybe 50 - 60 grams for Crumble and Cherri! Also their mother had died giving birth so they didn't have the most important milk for around a day, maybe longer then the mother that was feeding them died so they couldn't get milk until being given to their mother that is still surviving today, the mother had 11 babies from several different families, (3 more were born today) so it must have been a long queue to get milk! That's my theory any way!

Custard Crumble Pie

Lol - yes, another pig! This is Cherri's sister Custard Crumble Pie, lol - we call her Crumble for short! She is sweet like Custard, has the colours of a Crumble and funny like a friends old guinea pig Pie so that's how I got her name! She is so funny and cute! She is so much easier to photograph than her sister! She arrived at our house and will be living with her sister Cherri in a nice big cage that I can dismantle and make 1-story or 2-story and it was for free in a garage sale so I thought that was a really good deal...

She is such a fluffy bum! She is so sweet! Look how much she has changed since she was a bub, so much more fluff!

Friday, 11 November 2011

Cherri Berri Blossom

yep, you read that title right! We have a new arrival! Her name is Cherri Berri Blossom but we are just calling her Cherri and her name is supposed to be spelt like that!  She is very sweet but is quite cheeky and I nearly called her Cheeky, with adorable red eyes to match her redish tinge in her hazel coat! She arrived at home today with her sister Crumble and did a lot of wheeking before finally settling down and nibbling on their carrot treat I gave to them (aswell as some food mix the boys didn't like... Crumble really liked that food mix... they have a HUGE water bottle but are not in their proper cage right now because the cage needs a clean down, and some touch ups! (The touch ups include a ladder that isn't made yet! :P)

[Her now, she is such a cheeky little thing! She didn't stay still for the photo's, mainly because Crumble was wheeking to her A LOT!!!]



I am sorry for the blurry photo's but she is a wriggle bum! You can see how much she has grown since her first photo as a bub, little fatty!

Mika's haircut!

Yup, you read the title right... Mika has had his haircut! It is rather hard to see the amount of hair he lost on the photo's but let me just tell you, A LOT! The picture of hair on a blanket is barely half of what we cut off him! We got rid of some very annoying matts aswell!


                                  Okay, now for some pictures of Mika's shorter hair! Lol it looks scruffy because of the wind! But it is pretty short!

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

An update on the girls!

[**Sorry but I didn't have my camera on me! (battery had died) So I couldn't take any photo's!]

I saw the beautiful girls we're getting on Saturday! They are just the most gorgeous bubs ever!

Here are pictures of the two we are getting on the day they were born... if only I had photo's now... well they look nearly the same as they did then but are bigger...

[This little girl (above) is a gorgeous pink-eyed mixture of brown coloured girl!  She's slightly lighter now though... and much more "fluff" happening! She is most likely to be named "Crumble"]

[And this little princess is just what she is like in the picture above (pink eyes, smooth coat etc.) but has a more red coat! She is most likely to be named "Cherri" with a full name of "Cherri Blossom"]

Saturday, 5 November 2011

Yet another weigh in

Here is the weigh in for Saturday the 5 of November 2011:

**Boys Pad**

Astro: 775grams (gained 25grams) - 17weeks (4m, 1w)
Mika: 425grams (gained 25grams) - 9weeks (2m, 1w)

Total piggy weight of 1200grams and total gain of 50grams... we had an average week this week, next week we'll have 1 - 3 new arrivals and new gainers! And they will be females! :D

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Summer hair cut

Summer has arrived and poor Mika must be so hot because of all that long fur! :P Soon he is going to have a summer hair cut/ summer trim! Lol - he'll have slightly shorter hair! Very cute!

Red Capsicum

Today I tried the pigs with raw, red capsicum, (also known as: Red bell pepper) Mika didn't even realise it was food when he got put back in his cage and Astro had a go, Astro was interested, sniffing it at first then eating 7/8 of the stuff in my hand and got half way through the last piece (they were small cubes) when he got bored and lost interest. I put the last piece in the cage but they didn't eat it! :P

[Sorry no pictures right now, I'll add them later!]

Tuesday, 1 November 2011


Today it was quite a hot day and I'm so lucky a friend gave me a little bit of watermelon (two slices) for the pigs. I also put a cool, damp cloth down in their cage to cool them off. (They lie down on it!) When I gave them the water melon Astro was only slightly interested and sniffed it but desided he didn't want it (!) Mika was more on the mild side of being interested and nibbled on the edges, choosing only the one side of the one piece, he quickly got bored and started trying to eat the buttons on my t-shirt to entertain himself so I put both pigs back in their cage. I put the watermelon in their cage as well, hopefully they will eat it during the night... yet when I give Astro parsley he gobbles it up!

[The damp cloth in their cage!]

[Astro walking in the cage! :P]

I caught some cute snaps of the pigs and the watermelon! :)

And Astro and his precious parsley! :P

Sunday, 30 October 2011

This is Mika and Astro exploring in my room. They had run around a different part of the house and looked really tired, so after doing this and being little popcorning balls of cuteness they fell asleep on my room floor! :P CUTE!!

[Astro and Mika were popcorning when they heard a dog bark and ran for cover! lol Astro looks so scared!]

[Astro about to jump up! :P]

 [My two popcorning guinea pigs! :) They popcorned everywhere! Even Mika popcorned and his first popcorn at our house EVER!!! His hair went EVERYWHERE!]

[Ahhhh, nap time!Astro and Mika are getting comfortable, unfortunatley the battery died on me as they fell asleep! :(...]

Here is a cute video of my two boys running around the room!! Mika follows Astro so closely!