Thursday, 6 October 2011

Meet Mika and Astro

I am so sorry that I have not introduced you to my two little Cavies.

Mika: Mika is a ginger, tan and white Abyssinian x peruvian, we also think he has a bit of texel in him. We have named his breed the Abyruvianexel. He is really spunky with a sweet personality. His full name is Mika Chloe (because we did not know that he was a boy - we thought he was a girl... Chloe! Lol we sometimes still call him Chloe!) but we just call him Mika.

As you can see in these photo's, if you compare them to Astro's photo's Mika is a real camera addict. It is so hard to get the right position and the right photo for Astro, it's even hard to make him stay still so It's not blurry! But Mika just takes your breath away with that photo genius poses!

Astro: Astro is a black and tan Abyssinian. He has the cheekiest, funniest personality of the two. He is fully black with one tan splotch over his left shoulder. He has little speckles of tan around the rest of his body. He loves to jump up onto your neck when you are sitting with him on your lap. His full name is Midnight Sun Astro, but we call him Astro. He is what is known as a brindle guinea pig because of the brown and black actually mixing in with each other! Check out my Guinea Pig Breeds page to get more infomation!

Here Astro was  pushing a box out of the way to get to some hidden parsley I had on the other side! :P He is so cheeky! I only found out after he had eaten about 50grams worth of it! :) It was hidden for later, so that if we start running out of parsley I can give some to the pigs!

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