Thursday, 27 October 2011

A new texel comer?????

Oh, I just might be getting a texel girl! Oh I'd be so happy if I could! A friend knows a breeder and we might be able to let this breeder let a little girl go! Oh, I really can not wait until I get this last phone call! It'll be the desider of new guinea pig or not a new guinea pig... and a texel!!!!

[please note that these following photo's are not mine but off a friends blog]

[The two above are of a texel bub. Look at those thick, lushes curls! Wow! And texels have a seam down their back and the curls grow on both sides, parting on the seams, the top picture is a really good idea of the seam and the curls parting down either side!]

[This is of the same guinea pig but older, (can't remember how much older) see how the curls are growing longer and in a much more of a thick mass!]

[This is yet again the same guinea pig, (with a cute girl) and has a bigger, mass. (Yes it is older again but this is more what an adult looks like) The cheeks are growing a fair bit chubbier but that is a major point in the texel, look above to see the already chubby cheeks when he was a bub!]


[And finally, the most major part of a texel, the adults curls. Look at those gorgeous thick strands, and with such a natural pattern. It is so thick and lushes, just from that first pictures of him (his name is Liam) you could see all that lushes thick beautiful curls of baby-hood leading up to these gorgeous curls!]

Oh, I love texels!

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