Monday, 10 October 2011

Mika's bath

Mika had a bath today, he loooked so sweet! I was laughing so much, my mum sitting on the "Guinea Pig Couch" (an old sofa that is so usless no one cares if the guinea pigs pee and poo on it! :P) with Astro. Then my battery for my camera started dying on me! I couldn't afford to waste ANY time! (Yes, I did bath Mika on Saturday but that wasn't a proper bath, that was just to wash his little pee covered strands of hair by his bottom cleaned! :P) So I had to quickly grab my camera and took some cute photo's! :D

Here Mika is having the bath, playing around in the water! :P

Mika was getting wetter! :D (look at the soaked backside! :P)

A bird was calling and our little piggy was trying to see what it was but only seeing pink! :P (I know not the right colour for a boy!)

Mika is stretching his neck, and I think could just see over... 

and.... he gave up looking over the bath bowl and was checking out the camera! :) (as you can see he had a full bladder! :P)

Astro was calling for him and he was calling back! :P

Ah, the bath has finished, time to cuddle with a nice fluffy towel for warmth!

Look at that gorgeous face! Just needs to be cuddled and loved! :P 

Mika nearly fell asleep on my lap, until...

Asrro wanted to join in! :P As you can see Mika has turned his head to see his friend!

And here is the cute little guy you've all wanted to see! :P Astro was having cuddle time with my mum, I have been waiting ages to get a photo like this and now, finally!

Cute little guy! :D

Mika was looking so cute, nearly all dry! This was the last photo I had until I passed this little guy onto my mother!

Here my mum is having cuddle time with Mika while Astro was being a greedy guts and eating heaps of food! :P

Astro was getting jealus of Mika and was clambering in for a cuddle!

Mika is finally dry and my camera's battery nearly gone! Astro and Mika are having some fun on the "Guinea Pig Couch" with each other! 

Astro was looking at me and this weird black thing in my hands as I called his name. Cutest snap of him ever! 

And a better photo of the one above! :P


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Thanks Gymjunkie101! I am really happy that you think my guinea pigs are cute and that my photographing skills are really good! I have a really bad camera so it is good that you think so! I will look after them until the end of the world! :P I love them so much! :D I got the cuddle sack idea from Emma!
    Thanks again Gymjunkie101!
